kata owner blog!!

dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyanyang. assalamualaikum mujahid dan mujahidah Islam yang tidak teragak-agak membela agama. :) semoga content yang ada tidak melalaikan kalian :) tegur yang mana silap, nasihat yang mana salah. MI dalam proses nak berubah. doa-doakan MI. kita SEISLAM, BERSAUDARA, KIBLAT YANG SAMA.. AGUNGKANLAH ISLAM DI PERSADA DUNIA. :) -lil' maisarah is growing up ;')-

Monday, August 1


haha.. oke assalamualaikum semua!!

hyper girang dh niy.. hri ni birthday aku yg ke-15. birthday boy  girl

(x leh boh gmbq kek bln posa niy. stgi ada owg x thn daulat. hehe)

alhamdulillah, aku brsyukur sgt Allah msih pnjngkn umur aku. 

"Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear maisarah 
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
from all friends and new
May good luck go with you, And happiness too."

"Happy Birthday to You
you live in a zoo
You look like a monkey 
And you smell like one too." 
(utk owg yg lahir sama tarikh dgn aku. tpi bkn aku) haha

"So many candles for so little cake? Happy Birthday.
Can you blow those candles out or should we call the fire department? Happy Birthday.Hope your birthday is cool, fun, fantastic, wonderful, exciting, awesome, rocking and HAPPY. Happy Birthday. birthday imageYou are only as old as you feel... Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday.Hope your day is simply terrific!Wishing you a beautiful birthday.Wishing you tons of happiness on your birthday. Enjoy it.Seems like you just had a birthday yesterday. Oh yeah, sorry I am late. Happy Birthday.K-kinda busy K-kinda busy K-kinda busy K-kinda busy - That's how you should celebrate your bday.Wishing you love and happiness on your birthday. Happy Birthday"

 haha.. dan sekarang niy. aku dh tau disebalik ksdihan aku nk trima free call, haha.. rupanya x leh. lol. sbb pa ntah. oke2 kpada sapa2 yg wish kt aku, tenkiu sgt2.. semoga hmpa semua po dimurahkn rezeki dn pnjang umoq supaya blh mngrjakan  ibadat kpada-Nya. amin, kalu x de hadiah x pa.. i'm a big girl enough and don't need those presents. but if you wanna give me to, it is up to you!! hehe oke lah assalamualaikum kawan2!!

2 komen:

reza al-razi said...

wahh.. bzday dia.. slmt ari jadi r.. Moga pnjang umur, murah rzki & brtambah amalan.. Berkat bzday blan Ramadan nih.. :-)

mysarah said...

amin.. hehe (n_n)

kbtulan besday thn ni bln ramadhan.. :)

abg reza un sme.. moga pnjg umo, murah rezeki dan cpt dpt jodoh (joke2 jgn mrh bln posa ni) amin...

hey babeh. hehe . thanks for reading . new post : coming soon.love ya!