kata owner blog!!

dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyanyang. assalamualaikum mujahid dan mujahidah Islam yang tidak teragak-agak membela agama. :) semoga content yang ada tidak melalaikan kalian :) tegur yang mana silap, nasihat yang mana salah. MI dalam proses nak berubah. doa-doakan MI. kita SEISLAM, BERSAUDARA, KIBLAT YANG SAMA.. AGUNGKANLAH ISLAM DI PERSADA DUNIA. :) -lil' maisarah is growing up ;')-

Sunday, December 2

still there

assalamualaikum to all my viewers 

*griiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn* k fake. hehe.. MI is here ! seriously i don't know why it is hard for you to understand me.. dear asdiqae', can't you understand how it feels like to be ashamed :'( . you don't take this matter seriously. maybe it's not important to you. small, rubbish huh? not for me my dear.. i always remind you  how to love your friends fillah. never upload any picture of them with uncovered aurah. * ouh take it easy buddeh. no one sees your picture! just me the one who views my websiteeeee. no one else* oh really? are you sure? go ask mister google! see how true you are. i just hate it too much. very very very much.. i regret that my pictures are in your hand. but you don't understand! really not. i wish i could delete them. i don't want to type this.. so i just do this ******* fill it yourself. =.=' sad to face all these. sick of you.

i wish you realize the importance of covering aurah someday somehow. lots of love, da victim! r a w r !

some say..

and please stop the..

0 komen:

hey babeh. hehe . thanks for reading . new post : coming soon.love ya!